
Damage internet breakdown did to tech sector

Damage internet breakdown did to tech sector

To have a complete picture of how much damage the five days' (between 18 and July 23) unforeseen internet shutdown has inflicted on the country's business and economy will, perhaps, take months, maybe years, to assess. But if taken into account the internet blackout's impact on the nation's fledgli

Urgent assistance needed for flood-hit people to restart life

Urgent assistance needed for flood-hit people to restart life

"Bangladesh is used to flooding, but climate change is making floods more intense and less predictable, making it impossible for families to stay safe, let alone plan" anything beforehand. This is how the head of BRAC's Disaster Risk Management programme explained the characteristics of the floods

Revising GDP and per capita income!

Revising GDP and per capita income!

Dismissal of the need to revise GDP and per-capita income by the ministry of finance (MoF) due to discrepancies in export data has sparked controversy over the methods used in calculating crucial economic statistics. In a press statement, the ministry explained that the central bank typically repor

DNCC waste management incapacitated

DNCC waste management incapacitated

Waste disposal in metropolises has ever remained challenging not only for mega cities the world over but also in other smaller cities and towns. Dhaka City came out creditably in the task of clearing off the accumulated solid garbage in its wards, at kitchen markets and other busy commercial centre

Restoring connectivity in business, economy

Restoring connectivity in business, economy

It has been a week of total disruption of the communications system and the supply chain since July 17 when agitating anti-quota students called a nationwide shutdown. The indefinite curfew that the government enforced to combat the ensuing violence across the nation, only made matters worse. The

Meeting post-graduation challenges facing the country

Meeting post-graduation challenges facing the country

As Bangladesh is all set for LDC graduation, it is imperative that it accelerated its efforts to meet the post-graduation challenges such as continued access to the various trade benefits including duty-free ones against its exports to the markets of advanced economies, especially the European Unio

Granting permission for import is no cure for food crisis

Granting permission for import is no cure for food crisis

The state minister for commerce announces at a press conference that in view of the price hike of onion and potato, his government has allowed import of the two items from any country. To that end import permission (IP) has been granted now. To the majority of consumers who find the atrocious price

Can sinking Dhaka be saved?

Can sinking Dhaka be saved?

Friday morning's torrential downpour -- the heaviest monsoon rainfall of the season so far -- was expected to provide the much-needed respite from the scorching heat. Momentarily it did, but the city dwellers had to suffer flooding of roads and ground floors of many homes as the downpour overwhelme

Data errors: CPA too resorts to double counting

Data errors: CPA too resorts to double counting

It has now emerged that Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) has been calculating the number of outbound containers twice. Interestingly enough, the CPA has gone on record to state that this is, apparently, the international practice. While checking the number of containers twice is probably to ascertai

Managing Sundarbans' resources sustainably

Managing Sundarbans' resources sustainably

Though often touted as a protected landscape, the world's largest closed canopy mangrove forest, the Sundarbans, cannot be said to be entirely protected. In fact, the Sundarbans, is under severe ecological distress, thanks to its depredation by humans as well as the vagaries of Nature. The victims
