
Primary schools to remain closed indefinitely

Primary schools to remain closed indefinitely

The ministry of primary and mass education has directed to keep primary schools closed for an indefinite period amid the continued situation over the quota reforms movement. Senior Information Officer of the ministry Mahbubur Rahman Tuhin said this on Wednesday. Considering the overall situation

BAU announces indefinite closure

BAU announces indefinite closure

Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) has announced the indefinite suspension of all educational activities until further notice, considering safety of students. Students were instructed to vacate the residence halls by 12:00 pm on Thursday, according to a notice signed by the university's Regi

Primary schools in divisional cities closed indefinitely

Primary schools in divisional cities closed indefinitely

The Ministry of Primary and Mass Education has declared all primary level schools in eight divisional cities closed amid protests over quota reform in government jobs. The ministry gave the information in a press statement on Wednesday. In consideration of the safety of children, all government p


