Education / Article

Skills that schools do not teach us

Skills that schools do not teach us

From an early age, we enter the realm of education, continuing to learn through various phases of life. It is often believed that learning never ends, continuing from cradle to grave. However, there is a certain system and period of institutional education in every country to be taught in a systema

Honing freshers’ skill through case competition

Honing freshers’ skill through case competition

The IUT Career and Business Society (IUT CBS) has launched the sixth edition of 'INTERN,' an innovative and vibrant intra-IUT novice business case competition. Since 2018, the Islamic University of Technology (IUT) campus has hosted this flagship event for freshers. For business-minded IUTians, IN

It was Nahida's dream come true

It was Nahida's dream come true

In a world where dreams often remain just that-dreams-there are inspiring stories of individuals who transcend barriers to turn their aspirations into reality. One such story is that of Nahida Sultana, an assistant professor of English at Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET) i

A guide to finding the right major at university

A guide to finding the right major at university

Navigating through the long list of majors right after high school seems daunting. With tonnes of advice from everyone, or lack thereof, it is natural to get confused and overwhelmed. A few years into the course, some find themselves stuck in a major that they have little interest in. While that ca

Building your personal brand using LinkedIn and Facebook

Building your personal brand using LinkedIn and Facebook

In today's digital age, building a personal brand is crucial for career growth and networking opportunities. LinkedIn and Facebook serve as powerful tools to build and enhance your professional presence. In Bangladesh, it is very common to see Facebook being used for networking more than LinkedIn.

Why should one become a freelancer?

Why should one become a freelancer?

A freelancer is a self-employed individual who earns money per job under a temporary contract. Freelancers are part of the gig economy, and the labour market consists of many independent contractors. Some people freelance full-time, while others in this field see it as a side hustle for extra earri

MIST aeronautical team stands 4th in the Asian region

MIST aeronautical team stands 4th in the Asian region

Every year, the Design/Build/Fly (DBF) competition, hosted by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), brings 110 teams worldwide to test their aircraft design, construction, and flight skills. Against over a hundred talented teams worldwide, a team from the Military Institute

What one needs to get into a top university

What one needs to get into a top university

Nowadays, studying abroad has become a popular choice for various reasons, be it the desire to thrive in a more competitive environment, be it succeeding in life with all the possible opportunities, or be it simply for a modern, tech-savvy, and easier lifestyle. For those ambitious souls out there

Are university degrees overrated?

Are university degrees overrated?

‘Career’ is a word that just sounds fancy to youngstars and a word that scares the freshly ‘out in the market’ youth. Today, the word holds more freight and anxious anticipation than ever for the vast and ever-evolving landscape in this economy of one CV against hundreds. Bu