Views / Opinions

Mindless honking

Mindless honking

Bangladesh is perhaps one of the places in the world where vehicle warning devices like horns and sirens are used most indiscriminately. The overdose of honking on roads and in the surrounding areas takes not only a heavy toll on the auditory system but also on the psychological conditions of all l

Damage and loss never to be healed

Damage and loss never to be healed

The country has witnessed one of the horrific and tragic episodes marked by widespread violence claiming more than 200 lives and leaving thousands injured. Targeted destruction of public property by miscreants is deeply concerning. The unruly mob torched offices, buses and data centres and caused d

Crisis-ridden mango farmers

Crisis-ridden mango farmers

Mango is the most popular fruit in the country. People of all ages are fond of mango, and it is so popular that from time memorial mango has been heavily featured in the works of leading poets and artists. Bangladesh has a good number of mango varieties which are unique in taste and are adored by

National revenue collection takes a hit

National revenue collection takes a hit

With the internet blackout and nationwide shutdown comes a host of problems for internal revenue generation. According to a report published in this newspaper on July 22: "State exchequer counts an estimated domestic revenue loss of Tk 8.73 billion daily as production, trade and services falter for

The bane of out-of-pocket health expenditure

The bane of out-of-pocket health expenditure

A study carried out recently by a researcher at the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) shows that "Out-of-Pocket (OOP) expenditure is one of the most noteworthy payment strategies for healthcare in Bangladesh and the share of the same has been increasing alarmingly." The findings we

Hilsas may not be taken for granted

Hilsas may not be taken for granted

Reports expressing concern about the country's national fish, hilsa, appeared in the media from time to time over the past few years. And those were about if hilsa stock was depleting due to overfishing or any alteration in the conditions that support hilsa's spawning and growth in our rivers. A sc

People want to be free from the stifling conditions

People want to be free from the stifling conditions

If Aristotle's famous saying, "One swallow does not make a spring" holds, one demon owl (barn owl) should not make a winter either. Right now developments all around are nightmarish with the exposure of dubious elements one after another in high positions. Bureaucracy, however, has not maligned its

Getting to the heart of youth unrest

Getting to the heart of youth unrest

The youth of Bangladesh have seemingly had enough and are not prepared to stand by in silence any longer and just accept what is being dished out to them.  Wherever you look nowadays nationwide you'll find angry and disillusioned university students gathered in large numbers chanting in raised

No alternative to school bus for Dhaka

No alternative to school bus for Dhaka

With fanfare, the Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) launched a 'smart' school bus service in Dhaka last week on a pilot basis. Under the initiative, the Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) operates three double-decker buses on three fixed routes designed for picking up and dropping off s

Corruption galore

Corruption galore

Syed Abed Ali is perhaps the one who grabbed the highest media attention as a professional (ex)-driver. Media outlets are competing with each other to run stories on him, detailing his and his family's wealth and businesses after allegations of corruption committed by him started to surface. Media

Checking question paper leaks

Checking question paper leaks

Leaking of question papers prepared for public examinations and public sector recruitment has become a regular practice in our country in recent times. Public service examinations in Bangladesh, such as the Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) exams, are highly competitive and hold significant weight fo

Trade digitalisation is the way forward

Trade digitalisation is the way forward

At a recently organised roundtable by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Bangladesh, titled 'Digitalising International Trade in Bangladesh' speakers came up with arguments why Bangladesh should be moving towards digitising its trade operations to seriously boost exports. The event brought

Is Dhaka worth living in?

Is Dhaka worth living in?

The megacity Dhaka's livability ranking as done by the global body engaged in the task, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), has never been uplifting. Dhaka has been ranked 168th out of EIU's list of 173 cities. To many experts, the city's livability index will continue to deteriorate without any