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31 minutes ago

BNP announces 'national unity' movement with aim to oust AL govt

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Friday announced the formation of a national unity movement bringing together opposition political parties and political and social organisations on a single platform to press for the government's resignation, reports UNB. “At this cri

35 minutes ago

Paris dazzles with a rainy Olympics opening ceremony on the Seine River

A hot-air balloon brought an Olympic ring of fire into a rainy sky and singer Celine Dion belted from the Eiffel Tower as Paris kicked off its first Summer Olympics in a century Friday, with a four-hour-long, rule-breaking opening ceremony that unfurled along the Seine River. On-and-off showers di

38 minutes ago

Looking for escape from a brutal and inhospitable city

Living in Dhaka in normal time is quite challenging. Its environmental pollution is infamous and ranks mostly at the top among the worst polluted cities. Unsurprisingly, the capital city of Bangladesh has the dubious record of ranking among the world cities known for the worst liveability also. A

39 minutes ago

Stepping back in time

My eye surgeon has a special way of telling me about the state of my eyes. As he looks in my eyes, he laments that we are not twenty-one any more. As he writes down the prescription, his words are very assuring: 'do not worry and I will see you in six months' time'. Six months can be a long time in

41 minutes ago

Singer's Q2 profit drops 45pc despite higher sales

Singer Bangladesh saw its second-quarter net profit drop 45 per cent year on year to Tk 257 million, thanks to higher finance costs amid rising interest rate. In the same quarter (April-June) of the previous year, the electronic and home appliance manufacturer made a Tk 471 million profit, accordi

44 minutes ago

Striking FTA with Latin American bloc seems on backburner

Striking a much-needed free-trade agreement (FTA) with a potential Latin American bloc encoded Mercosur apparently lacks pace and the chance of a top-level push is missed. Sources say there had been a perceived lukewarm response from the Southern Common Market towards signing the trade deal. Altho

an hour ago

Financial account surplus tapering off for less intake

Bangladesh's financial-account surplus was tapering off while the deficit in current account widening until the last part of the just-past fiscal year, indicating some macroeconomic imbalances. The stresses on the two accounts related to external incomings and outgoings during 11 months of the fis

an hour ago

Anti-quota movement: BEA demands fair probe into violence

Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA) demanded on Friday a fair investigation into the violent clashes that happened over the student movement for quota reform in government services. The association also pressed for ensuring exemplary punishment to those responsible for the killing of protesting

an hour ago

Low-income people in CTG under strain due to food price hike

CHATTOGRAM, July 26: The prices of daily essentials escalated in the port city of Chattogram last week due to countrywide political unrest and a curfew in force. As a result, people on low incomes are spending their days in utter misery for this price spiral. Traders have ascribed this hike to

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