4 years ago

RU Senate inactive for about five years

A view of the Shahid Tajuddin Ahmad Senate Building on RU campus — FE Photo
A view of the Shahid Tajuddin Ahmad Senate Building on RU campus — FE Photo

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The Rajshahi University (RU) Senate, the highest decision-making body of the university, has been out of action for nearly five years.

Though the law requires the vice-chancellor to hold at least one Senate meeting each year, there has been no session of the body since May 19, 2016.

As per section 22 of the Rajshahi University Act-1973, the Senate has the authority to amend and ratify the Statutes on the proposals of the Syndicate, consider and pass resolutions on the annual report, the annual accounts and the financial estimates presented by the Syndicate and to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred or imposed upon it by the Act or the Statutes.

Also, it is the duty of the Senate to nominate the VC panel to appoint vice-chancellor therefrom, as per section 11 (1) of the act.

Because of the inactivity of the Senate, many important decisions on the matters the Senate have jurisdiction upon are being taken exercising special powers of the vice-chancellor and the Syndicate; many others have been put on hold.

Senate member Prof Dr Saleh Hasan Naqib said, "The Senate is an important body for the university. But, the university administration is continuing to avoid and neglect the Senate."

As for the reason he said, "The university administration may have an unease with matters that are to be discussed in or to be supervised by the Senate."

"Practice of special powers is not a healthy culture. The rules and regulations of the university were made so that the activities of the university may run properly. Ignoring them is not a good thing", he added.

Previously, the Senate has been inoperative from 2001 to 2015. In 2015, former vice-chancellor of the university Prof Muhammad Mizanuddin resumed the functions of the Senate.

Prof Mizanuddin remarked that skipping the Senate sessions year after year is a violation of the law.

The former vice-chancellor said, "According to the University Act, holding at least one session of the Senate each year is mandatory. And the annual budget of the university has to be passed in the Senate meeting."

He also said, "There are some political matters involved with the Senate. But if the vice-chancellor can establish the rule of law and gain the trust of the teachers, he should not have any problem with making these bodies functioning."

The Registrar of the university Prof Abdus Salam said, "The Senate mainly enjoys three powers- nominating the VC panel, passing the budget, and amending and ratifying the statutes. Currently, the honourable chancellor appoints the vice-chancellor, the budget is passed in the Syndicate meeting and the university is running smoothly with the current statutes. So, there appears no urgent need to convene Senate session."

Rajshahi University Teachers' Association (RUTA) President Prof Saiful Islam Faruki said, "The vice-chancellor should convene at least one Senate session a year to keep to the rules; pass the budget and discuss other matters therein. Our vice-chancellors don't do that even."

On the other hand, the election for 25 senate members from the registered graduates' category hasn't been held for 23 years.

On January 25, a High Court Bench issued a rule after hearing a writ petition asking why the postponement of the election won't be declared unconstitutional. The bench also ordered RU Vice-chancellor and Registrar to prepare the lists of registered graduates within six months.

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