2 years ago

Biden signs $1.7 trillion spending bill as Americans fight inflation

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US President Joe Biden has signed a 1.7 trillion-US-dollar spending bill for the federal government.

The legislation will keep the federal government operating through the end of the federal budget year in September 2023 and avoid a partial shutdown before the end of 2022.

The massive spending package for the fiscal year 2023 includes 772.5 billion dollars for non-defence, and domestic programmes, and 858 billion dollars in defence funding, reports Xinhua.

It also provides about 45 billion dollars in emergency funding for Ukraine amid its ongoing conflict with Russia.

Hundreds of US lawmakers -- overwhelmingly Republicans -- opposed the omnibus bill, which runs more than 4,000 pages, with many warning that it could further fuel inflation in the country.

The annual inflation rate for the United States is 7.1 per cent for the 12 months ended November 2022, according to US Labor Department data published earlier this month.

A majority of Americans -- 55 per cent -- say rising prices have caused financial hardship for their household, a Gallup survey showed.

"Congress can't keep running up the tab and leaving taxpayers to pay the bill," US Congressman Ben Cline from Virginia tweeted last week.

"We must start living within our means, just like families have to do every day -- not spend more than we can afford," Cline said. "Americans deserve better than this omnibus."

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