2 years ago

Inflation rate maintains declining trend for fifth consecutive month

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The inflation rate eased further as it fell to 8.57 per cent in January down from 8.71 per cent last December, according to the monthly consumer price (CPI) index of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).

State Minister for Planning Dr Shamsul Alam told BSS that the inflation rate has been falling in the country since September last while the wage rate is also increasing.

"This means that the economy is now more active and vibrant," he said adding that the country's export earnings were much higher during this July-December period compared to the same period last year.

A BSS report said the inflation rate decreased last month mainly because of the downtrend in food and non-food inflation.

The inflation rate was 8.85 per cent in November last, the CPI index said.

The point-to-point food inflation came down to 7.76 per cent in January down from 7.91 per cent in December.

On the other hand, the point-to-point non-food inflation also declined slightly to 9.84 per cent in January down from 9.96 per cent in December.

The BBS data showed that the general point-to-point inflation in the urban areas also declined to 8.39 per cent in January down from 8.43 per cent in December.

National wage index rate in January was 7.06 per cent up from 7.03 per cent in December.

In reply to a question, State Minister Alam said there is no reason to lose trust in the statistics of the BBS as it has been discharging its duties diligently.

He noted that Bangladesh is not lagging behind in any index compared to the other countries even the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the FAO also acknowledge that.


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