4 months ago

Why should one become a freelancer?

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A freelancer is a self-employed individual who earns money per job under a temporary contract. Freelancers are part of the gig economy, and the labour market consists of many independent contractors. Some people freelance full-time, while others in this field see it as a side hustle for extra earrings. 

Depending on the given project, there can be different types of payment, for instance, per-hour fee, per-day fee, or per-project fee. Freelancers often work for multiple clients simultaneously instead of being employed by just one company.  

The rise of unemployment during the pandemic and the significant increase of AI has led many to switch to freelancing as their work role. Many people have changed their regular 9-5 jobs to self-employed work-from-home jobs for livelihood. As a result, freelance sites like Fiverr, UpWork, Behance, and Peoplepehour have reported a high increase in the number of registrations to their sites.  

Who can be a freelancer?

Anyone can enter this workforce. However, not everyone may be appropriate for this type of job. The goal is to find specific jobs that match the skills available to the applicant.

Some people are good at design, whereas others are skilled in content writing. There are many options for those interested in working, including graphic design, copywriting, SEO & content writing, software development, customer service, data science, videography, editing, IT support, translation, consulting and digital assistance, legal, and many more. 

When people want security in earning, why would they build their careers as freelancers?

Freedom of work

Freelancing provides freedom. Freelancers have the option to choose clients according to their preferences. If a project meets their taste, then it can be accepted. Workers can set payment rates for negotiation when planning to work on a project.  

Flexible hours

There are no fixed hours like corporate jobs where one has to sit in front of laptops till the afternoon. This freedom helps the workers focus on both their mental and physical health.

The freelancers live worry-free as long as the clients are satisfied and they finish their work without crossing the deadline. It is a job field applicable to both early risers and late-night workers. 

Flexible location 

Freelancers can work virtually from anywhere in the world. This means that job possibilities are almost equal for people from anywhere in the world.

You do not have to leave your old job and start looking for a new one as soon as you change your location. With a good internet connection, you can complete your tasks while away.

Skill enhancement

Working on different projects means learning new ideas and broadening knowledge. The traditional work environment may make one feel like a 'rule-following robot', in Detective Jake Peralta's words.

The struggles of finding good clients and dealing with business contracts require skills. Freelancers acquire such skills while trying to make a profile in the virtual market. Thus, freelancing helps build up a list of skills that will remain useful even in other aspects of life.  

No office drama

Conflicts, competition for promotions, the urge to be recognized, and fear of being ignored can cause stress. These are very common in traditional workplaces, which deteriorates mental health.

Freelancing is a straightforward job where you can get to work without wasting energy on people-pleasing behaviours. Freelancing gives you the room to regain your drained emotions. Not having to work on group projects saves you from overwhelming stress.

Working as a freelancer might be smooth and challenging. But that is not the case in reality.

Challenges of freelancing

Freelancing, while offering flexibility and independence, presents various challenges that potential freelancers must be aware of. One significant drawback is the need for employee benefits such as health insurance, maternity leave, and bonuses, which makes relying solely on freelancing financially risky for many.

Inconsistent income is another major hurdle, as freelancers need more certainty in securing new clients, dealing with fluctuating workloads, and the potential issue of late or missing payments.

Building a personal brand is essential yet complex, requiring effective self-promotion and marketing skills to attract clients.

Freelancers must invest in necessary work equipment and software, adding financial strain. The work environment can be isolating, particularly for extroverts who miss the social interactions of an office, and maintaining discipline without the structure of a traditional job can be challenging.

Managing multiple clients with varying demands and time zones adds further complexity. The lack of career guidance and mentorship means freelancers must navigate their professional development alone, making it difficult to transition back to conventional employment if desired.

Despite these challenges, freelancing can provide an excellent work-life balance and control over one's career, with numerous platforms available to connect freelancers with clients.

Learn new designing skills, project management tools, and AI tools that will make one's journey smoother. So, If you're a newcomer, hurry up and take that vital step towards freelancing.  

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