3 years ago

Birshreshtha Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College to organise nation-wide science fair

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Birshreshtha Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College has arranged the third National Science Fair-2022 with a view to encouraging the students, having science related talents, in enhancing the power of innovation and in making proper use of science in our everyday life.

The fair will be inaugurated at 9.00 am on March 23.

Online registration for the events, including project display, has already been started.

The participants have been categorised into junior, secondary and senior categories.

Students have the scope to participate in 19 various items under the umbrella terms of 1) mechanical, ii)  non-mechanical and iii) IT.

Students of class 6 to 12 from any educational institution can do online/ in-person registration to participate in the fair.

Besides, visitors can also do registration to enjoy the fair. There are also facilities for the participant students, guests and visitors like refreshments. The two day-long fair will end on March 25.

Online registration link is

It is to mention here that 3,306 students from 106 educational institutions took part in the second science fair held here in 2020.

Approximately 9,000 visitors came to visit the fair.

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