10 months ago

East West University holds two-day-long economics research conclave

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The Department of Economics of East West University (EWU) has organised a two-day-long ‘3rd East West Economics Research Conclave 2024’.

The event was held on Friday and Saturday at the EWU campus in the Aftabnagar area of Dhaka.

A press release says the programme offers young economists and researchers a unique opportunity to present their research, get feedback, and learn from eminent scholars in the arena.

The topic of the inaugural session of the conclave was ‘Sustainability and Supply Chain Management’. The keynote speaker of the session was Professor Alan C. McKinnon, PhD, Professor of Logistics, Kuehne Logistics University, Germany.

He discussed the various roles of logistics in tackling the climate crisis. He talked about the business consequences for which we need to move to close the circularity gap by increasing recycling. He concluded by discussing mitigation costs and the tradeoff between low carbon-high cost in the climate crisis strategy.

During the inaugural session, Professor Dr. Mohammed Farashuddin, the chief adviser of EWU, related the challenge posed by climate change to the lack of enforcement mechanisms for global accords on climate change.

He emphasized the importance of balancing the prosperity of the current generation with the sustainability of the world economy for future generations.

Professor Shams Rahman, Vice Chancellor, EWU also talked about the importance of innovativeness and resourcefulness in tackling the challenges posed by the climate crisis. He mentioned how EWU is pioneering efforts to ensure sustainability by installing solar panels to reduce our carbon footprint.

Dr. Muntasir Chaudhury Chairperson, Department of Economics, EWU, also spoke on the occasion. Around 200 participants and 15 research papers were presented in the two-day conclave. Members of the board of trustees of EWU, the pro-vice chancellor, treasurer, deans, faculty members, officials, and many students of EWU attended the conclave.

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