7 months ago

EWU signs MoU to build sustainable, eco-friendly campus

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A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of East West University (EWU), and the international organisation DAEJAYON of South Korea.

DAEJAYON is registered with the Korean Ministry of Environment and a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

This MoU was signed between the two parties on Tuesday at the EWU campus Aftabnagar of the capital, according to a media release.

As a result of this agreement, the Korean organisation will help East West University to explore energy conservation, ecosystem restoration, green computing, and initiatives to make the campus more eco-friendly and sustainable.

Over the next two years, DAEJAYON will do these things in partnership with EWU.

Professor Dr M Ashik Mosaddik Pro Vice-Chancellor, EWU and Jaegyoun Kim, Vice-President of DAEJAYON has been signed the MoU as the representative of their respective organisations.

Meanwhile, Dr Maheen Islam, Associate Professor and Chairperson of the CSE Department at EWU; along with faculty members from the CSE Department and other delegates from DAEJAYON also attended the signing ceremony.  

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