9 months ago

RUET, IED join hands to strengthen industry-academia collaboration

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In a significant stride towards enhancing practical learning opportunities for students, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was formally inked between Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) and Innovative Engineering and Development (IED).

The MoU, signed during the inaugural Industry-Academia Collaboration Meet-2023 (IACM) at RUET Auditorium on Thursday (November 30), marks a pivotal partnership fostering practical work experience for students in RUET's architecture and building construction and management departments, according to a media release.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Eng Md Jahangir Alam, representing RUET, and Chief Executive Officer Engr Rana Masud, on behalf of IED, signed the agreement.

The collaboration meeting also featured insights from Professor Dr Kamruzzaman Ripon, the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Dr Md Farooq Hossain, Director of IQAC, Professor Dr Md Imdadul Haque, Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), and Professor Dr Md Salim Hossain, among other distinguished personalities.

Addressing the gathering, Md Jahangir Alam emphasised the crucial role of fostering collaboration between industry experts and academia in nurturing skilled human resources, especially in the context of Bangladesh's journey towards the fourth industrial revolution.

He expressed his commitment to organising more extensive industry-academia collaboration meets in the future at RUET, the release says.

Eng Rana Masud, CEO of IED, articulated the firm's dedication to bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge acquired at the university and the practical skills required by industries. He highlighted the invaluable hands-on knowledge that students can gain through IED during or after their studies, positioning them advantageously for entering the workforce.

Under the terms of the MoU, Innovative Engineering and Development pledged to provide students with international qualifications, practical knowledge, and opportunities for internships or attachments.

This collaborative effort aims to equip students with a well-rounded skill set, enhancing their preparedness for the professional landscape, the release adds.

The IACM event witnessed the participation of several other companies, reinforcing the commitment of various sectors to contribute to the advancement of education and industry collaboration in Bangladesh.

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