10 months ago

UGC warns students against admission to 35 private universities

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The University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued a notification cautioning students seeking admission to 35 private universities running without approved vice chancellors, permanent campuses, or other laps, despite repeated warnings.

Of the 35 private universities, 30 are running without chancellor-appointed VCs, 3 are operating illegal campuses and conducting unauthorised educational activities, one failed to relocate to the permanent campus at the scheduled time, and one was barred from admitting new students because of the expiry of temporary permission and a case in court.

Seventy-four private universities conducting education programmes in the country have vice chancellors appointed by the president. The remaining 30 have no valid vice chancellors, according to the UGC notification issued on Wednesday.

The University Grants Commission has advised parents to be careful when admitting their children to these universities. The names of these universities can be checked on the UGC website.

Some universities are conducting educational programmes on unauthorised campuses, ignoring the Private Universities Act, 2010 and the commission's rules, while others are enrolling students in additional seats against the number of seats fixed by the commission or enrolling students in unauthorised programmes.

These private universities had already been restricted several times by the commission to refrain from conducting educational programmes in an unauthorised or illegal manner.

According to the notification, the commission will not be held responsible if anyone is cheated by getting admission to those universities or programmes.

Meanwhile, the UGC called upon the students to check the UGC website to see if the desired department has approval for admission to the universities.

UGC issued a red alert for admission to three universities running illegal campuses and illegal educational programmes. The universities are IBAIS University, America-Bangladesh University and The University of Comilla.

The admission of students to Victoria University has been suspended as it has not moved to the permanent campus by the scheduled time of January 1, 2023. Central University of Science & Technology, Mirpur has banned the admission of students until further notice. 

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