a year ago

End fossil fuel financing to prevent co2 emission, demand green activists

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Green activists on Friday called for ending financing for fossil fuel to help protect the earth from the impact of carbon dioxide (co2) emission.

They made the call at an event styled 'Global Climate Strike' organised by the ActionAid Bangladesh (AAB) in front of the National Press Club in the city, a statement said.

The Global Climate Strike, started by Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg, is a movement that aims to create pressure on policymakers and make them take action to stop climate change.

Several hundred young people from Activista Bangladesh Platform of the AAB and more than 24 youth organisations attended the Global Climate Strike this year.

Young volunteers from 26 districts and their seven local hubs also protested in solidarity with the strikers by participating in local demonstrations in Satkhira, Bagerhat, Noakhali, Kurigram, Cox's Bazar, Chattogram and Barguna and many other places, the statement said.

Young activists along with people from all walks of life raised voice for climate justice through slogans, placards, and posters.

AAB Country Director Farah Kabir, in a statement, said increasing fossil-finance trend is a prime example of the capitalist mindset to prioritise profit over people.

"It's drastically destroying the ecosystem and climate, disproportionately impacting the Southern countries and marginalised communities," she added.

"If we fail to act, societies will experience catastrophic ecological and environmental damage and human displacement," she said.

Md Nazmul Ahsan, manager of ActionAid Bangladesh, said fossil-finance is rapidly increasing instead of renewable energy investment. "This is totally against our goal of building a just world," he said.

"Therefore, young people of Bangladesh are demanding energy security and climate mitigation funds, underlining the importance of investment in renewable energy," he added.

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