5 years ago

‘Farm Fresh’ begins month-long campaign

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‘Farm Fresh’, the renowned dairy brand of Akij Food and Beverages Ltd. (AFBL) has started a month-long campaign titled “Khamartheke glass e din e din eiashe” with the promise of producing and distributing high quality pasteurized liquid milk.

The month-long campaign started on 4th November. Consumers will be able to know how the best quality of pasteurized milk is processed through this campaign.

While collecting milk from farmers directly, ‘Farm Fresh’ ensures quality through microbiological and adulteration tests carried out in its own laboratory. After cooling the collected milk at its own sophisticated chilling center, it is transported to its factory at a controlled temperature in tankers. It is then received at the factoryafter going through another quality test. The milk is marketed in a three-tier pack that is processed by a Swedish machinein the most sophisticated manner. The temperature of the pasteurized milk packets are kept at 4 degrees or below while transporting it to every store for distribution purposes. Farm Fresh has customer care management and social media management to help consumers get the best idea about ​​their product, after it has reached them.

The campaign is not only giving consumers of Farm Fresh brand, the full picture of their processing procedure, but is also raising awareness on recognizing and identifying quality milk from the market.

“Akij Food and Beverages Limited strictly controls the quality of milk at every step of processing and distribution, from the farm to the market, to ensure the best quality of milk. We have been relentlessly working with the farmers to not only deliver better quality products to the consumers, but also to promote the production of good quality milk to dairy farmers. Dairy farms of the country provide a wide variety of benefits to farmers, including proper guidance for raising cows, providing low-cost cattle feed, medical treatment and long-term loan without interest," said Maidul Islam, AGM of Akij Food and Beverage Limited.


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