3 months ago

Saving money regularly helps you sleep: Study

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Saving money regularly can help improve sleep, a new report suggests, according to BBC.

Putting a monthly amount aside, however small the sum, also helped people to relax and be more optimistic about the future, the study by academics at Bristol University found.

Regular savers on low incomes have similar life satisfaction levels as richer non-savers, they said.

A quarter of UK adults have savings of less than £100, surveys have suggested.
Saving money has been tough in recent years, owing to sharply rising bills and food prices - even though the interest paid by banks and building societies has improved.
An estimated six in 10 people have a savings habit, and charities argue that setting money aside - even when on a small income - improves financial resilience.

Now the report by Bristol University's Personal Finance Research Centre has suggested regular saving leads to improved life satisfaction, even if only a small amount is set aside.

The report suggested this was the result of being less anxious about money, less likely to experience problem debt, or being better able to cope with unexpected events.

The picture is relatively complex, with other factors at play including whether savings had already been built up, and changing circumstances for different age groups.
Researchers considered various studies, including one tracking the savings of thousands of people over a 10-year period.

They suggested an improvement in life satisfaction from saving, but also a detriment when not saving.

However, other life events had a bigger impact. For example, moving home or getting married improved mental wellbeing to a greater extent. Losing a job or having children created a relatively larger mental wellbeing deficit.

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