a year ago

Throat pain and remedy

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Throat pain generally results from a sore throat. This is commonly due to inflammation, which can give rise to a burning sensation often exacerbated by swallowing. A sore throat can affect children and adults alike, but children aged 5-15 are the most vulnerable.

Throat pain may manifest as a mild disease or something more serious. Many things could bring about throat pain. The commonest ones are the viruses. Flu and the common cold are the most common culprits. Covid-19 and EB virus causing infectious mononucleosis can lead to more severe consequences. Among bacterial causes, streptococcal sore throat is probably the most prevalent. This is associated with quite intense pain and difficulty in swallowing.

Tonsillitis may be a reason for throat pain, as well as sinusitis. Viruses, bacteria, or fungi can infect sinuses. The resulting inflammation and blockage may precipitate a condition known as post-nasal drip syndrome. This is characterised by mucus running down the back of our throat, sometimes producing soreness and pain.

Allergies are one of the factors for post-nasal drip. Dander, dust or mould allergies, through this condition, can cause sore throat. Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome (PAFS), triggered by foods like nuts, apples, cherries or even bananas, may also cause an itchy, painful and swollen throat.

Acid reflux is less common but still an important reason for throat pain. In people with this condition, acid from the stomach moves up to the throat, especially during sleep. Consequently, the pain is more prominent when we wake up. Environmental factors, e.g., dry air, cold temperature, chemicals and cigarette smoke, may also initiate throat pain.

Inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords, usually found in voice workers and singers, can cause throat pain and hoarseness. In surgeries like thyroidectomy, tonsillectomy, etc., it can happen in the postoperative period. A very rare cause of throat pain is cancer and HIV infections.

We can adopt certain lifestyle practices when suffering from throat pain. These will alleviate the symptoms and improve the quality of life. First of all, we need to rest and drink plenty of fluids. 

Warm soup or liquids, e.g., water mixed with lemon and honey, green tea or ginger tea, are useful for soothing soreness. If the pain worsens with solid food, sticking with liquids for a while is better. Other ways to relieve the soreness include chewing hard candy or a lozenge for adults and children >2 years of age.

Gargling two or three times daily is a good home remedy. For this purpose, one teaspoon of salt can be thoroughly mixed with a cup of water. We should also try to talk as little as possible. A humidifier should be set up in the house or the bedroom. Putting a warm compress around the neck is another thing we can do to help improve the symptoms.

We should try to stay away from our known allergens. Smoking is a known cause of throat pain and many other health issues, so quitting it might be a good idea for a smoker. In case the pain is intense, using a non-prescription pain medication can be advisable.

Generally, viral throat pain is self-limiting. It goes away in five to seven days. However, there are situations when seeking medical help is necessary. 

The American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head, and Neck Surgery listed a few. One is if the throat condition does not improve after 1-2 weeks. Additionally, if the patient has serious difficulty in swallowing, breathing or opening the mouth or is afflicted with a high fever, immediate medical help should be sought. 

A physician should also be consulted if the pain is accompanied by swelling in the neck or face, earache, blood in the saliva or hoarseness for more than 2 weeks.

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