2024 Johns Hopkins Healthcare Design Competition

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The Johns Hopkins Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design (CBID), nestled within the Johns Hopkins Department of Biomedical Engineering, invites applications for its esteemed David E. Swirnow Master’s Program in Bioengineering Innovation and Design. This one-year MSE degree program is dedicated to nurturing the next cohort of global healthcare leaders adept at bridging the chasm between human knowledge and human need. CBID students are afforded the unparalleled opportunity to collaborate directly with world-renowned clinicians, engaging in disruptive innovation aimed at enhancing patient care worldwide.

At CBID, our mission is clear: to conceive and develop solutions for the most pressing challenges to human health. The efficacy of our endeavours is gauged by the tangible impact our students and their solutions have on the quality and accessibility of healthcare globally. Through our unique bedside-to-bench-to-bedside model, students identify critical needs, collaborate in interdisciplinary teams to devise solutions and drive the commercialization of these innovations for widespread availability.

A celebration of exemplary design in healthcare, the competition seeks to spotlight solutions that demonstrate a profound understanding of the underlying need, the affected stakeholders, focused problem-solving, and the provision of real-world solutions.

Eligibility Criteria for Johns Hopkins Healthcare Design Competition 2024:

  • Open to student-led teams worldwide with solutions pertinent to healthcare.
  • Full-time students pursuing undergraduate, master’s, doctoral, or professional degrees (e.g., MBA, MD, etc.) are eligible.
  • Projects must comprise more than one full-time student.
  • Projects must focus on healthcare applications within specified tracks.
  • Project initiation should be after January 1, 2022.
  • Projects must be student-led; postdoctoral research projects are ineligible.
  • Projects that have utilized funding exceeding $100,000 are ineligible.
  • Projects led by startup companies or faculty are ineligible.
  • Multiple unique projects can be submitted by applicants.

Benefits of the Healthcare Design Competition by Johns Hopkins:

  • Cash prizes for winners: $5,000 (first prize), $3,000 (second prize), and $1,000 (third prize) per track.
  • Opportunities for substantial post-competition success.
  • A platform for showcasing and developing innovative solutions to healthcare challenges.
  • Winning designs are poised to make a tangible impact in the realm of healthcare.
  • A diverse participant pool offering a global perspective on healthcare challenges and solutions.

Application Process:

The Design Brief, a concise two-page executive summary of the design project, serves as the centrepiece of the application. Tailored for an audience of medtech engineers and designers, the brief should encompass the following sections, each aligned with specific evaluation criteria:

  1. Problem Description (25%): Define the problem, clinical background, and rationale for a better solution.
  2. Solution Concept(s) (25%): Present proposed solutions and their alignment with stakeholders' needs.
  3. Reduction to Practice (25%): Describe proof-of-concept experimental results or prototype renderings/photos.
  4. Pathway to Implementation (25%): Outline the project's trajectory toward impactful solution creation.


  • The Design Brief must not exceed 2 pages, including figures, with references listed separately.
  • Utilize Arial, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype, or Georgia typefaces, with a black font color and 11-point font size.
  • Maintain a type density of no more than 15 characters per inch and no more than six lines per inch.
  • Adhere to standard paper size (8 ½” x 11”) with at least one-half-inch margins on all sides.
  • Figures, plots, and/or photos are recommended and count towards the page limit.
  • References should be included on a separate page and are not part of the two-page requirement.

Application Deadline: February 12, 2024, 11:59 PM EST

Application link: http://tinyurl.com/2uu57r4r

Official website: http://tinyurl.com/2ta4hu5e

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