2 years ago

Before scolding your children, consider their viewpoint

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Children carry an entirely different kind of energy in comparison to adults. They are usually lively and noisy, and they love everything they do. Parents enjoy watching their energetic children exhibit pleasant feelings, play, interact, imagine, and so on.

Parents have significant effects on their children's mental health. Nurturing and affectionate attention lay a solid foundation for your child's development of the emotional and social skills needed to live a happy, healthy, and productive life.

But growing up, temper tantrums are a normal part of life. When you are in a store, and your child notices a treat you are not planning on purchasing, suddenly, you find yourself in the midst of a gale-force outburst of tantrums; or when you tell them they can't have another piece of chocolate or cookie. Sometimes we lose our cool. We often scold our children to discipline them.

Scolding the child is a parent's most common reaction to their misbehaviour. But it can never be a solution. We must be patient and figure out why a kid behaves the way they do. However, understanding a child's thoughts and sentiments requires us to understand our own limits.

To err is human; sometimes, parents lose their calm, yell, or react in a way they believe could have been handled better. "Every time after scolding my 3-year-old daughter Sohana, I regret and fervently wish I hadn't done that. I can feel her anguish after being scolded, and I don't want her to grow fear of me," Said Sahanur Islam, a govt employee and a father of two children.

There are solutions to these typical errors. Discuss your problem respectfully but firmly. Do not discipline your child while you are angry. Calm yourself before disciplining. Give short and clear statements about wrong behaviour and discuss what can be done differently and in a better way. And most importantly, be an excellent example for your child. Every child is different. Do not use the same discipline method with every child.

Saima Sabiha Chaity is the mother of a 4-year-old baby girl. When asked how she controls her baby's tantrum, she said, "I let her do it, as during tantrums, they can't process words. Sometimes, in front of other people, I lose my mind and continuously instruct her what to do, which has a negative effect afterwards. I do not support scolding or any form of harsh words toward children. It has a lifelong damaging effect on them."

She also said, "Sitting down with them silently during a tantrum and offering a hug is an excellent technique that works like magic in my child's case."

'Perfect child' or 'perfect parents' do not exist. So your youngster is going to challenge your patience at times. However, attacking your child with harsh language while you are angry with them might cause them catastrophic damage.

"One thing I always tell myself and my wife too is that our children do not need to be perfect. I want to let them make mistakes, and learn from those mistakes while having us by their side as reliable guides, not someone who'd always keep them on their feet," Shahanur Islam further emphasised the necessity of being friendly with children.

Parents are the most influential role models in a child's life, so they must behave like inspiring personalities. Using punishment physically or inflicting pain on a child to stop them from misbehaving tells them it is okay to use violence to solve issues. It also damages the parent-child relationship, causing harm to the child's dignity, self-respect, self-esteem and sense of a positive identity. You have to understand why your child is misbehaving. They misbehave mostly when they cannot find a way to express their feelings and emotions when they don't get your attention.

A youngster is full of questions, curiosity, ideas, and perspectives on life. Children are, however, being placed in boxes from a very early age. Their parents and environment impose their own experiences and knowledge on them. They taught them how to think and took away their originality. This has an impact on children's creativity and curiosity.

Overcontrolling your child leads to poor decision-making skills. Overcontrolled children are unable to think critically or solve issues efficiently. They have their own perspective and point of view. It's okay if they are different from yours. Admire them instead of correcting their imagination.

Being a parent is not easy. You have to work on your patience with kids' behaviour. Don't get upset if your youngster draws on the wall. Get a whiteboard or a large piece of paper and tape it to the wall. Give them options rather than confining them to a single situation.

Let them express themselves. Admire their work and effort before judging. Interact with them, communicate, and try to understand their feelings and their point of view.

A warm child-parent relationship helps a child choose positive behaviours. When you feel like you are losing your temper, move away from the spot and take a break to calm yourself. These will reduce your temper and help you avoid scolding your child.

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