9 months ago

The Currency Museum in Dhaka

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Museums are the bridge between the past and present. They bear witness to the country's glorious history and cultural heritage and play an important role in artefact-based research and dissemination of education. 

In a nation's cultural landscape, museums are essential because they act as knowledge stores, educational catalysts, and social cohesion catalysts. 

A nation's currency is also a physical symbol of its history and culture, illustrating the political, social, and economic changes that have occurred there. The nation's identity, beliefs, and goals are embodied in money's design, symbolism, and materials. Currency museums are significant because they can play a vital role in exhibiting and conserving a nation's monetary heritage. 

From this concern, Bangladesh Bank established the country's first Taka Museum, also known as the Currency Museum, on October 5, 2013, with the aim of preserving the glorious past and present currency history of Bangladesh and the world, presenting the currency's heritage and development to everyone. Taka Museum is located on the 2nd floor of Bangladesh Bank Training Academy in Sector Two, Mirpur,

The walls of the money museum are lined with a diverse collection of money decorated with colourful

designs. In this museum, you can see almost all types of coins used in this region from ancient times to the present day. Besides, a digital kiosk, digital signage, LED TV, 3D TV, photo kiosk, projector and souvenir shop have been placed in this museum. 

Bangladeshi Taka is seen as a holdover from the historical Taka in the present day. Since Bengal was a financial powerhouse, this area was home to several mints throughout the Bengal Sultanate era. 

The word 'tanka' was referred to as a four-masha weight silver coin denomination in ancient and even medieval periods. Taka or Tanka was etched in several languages, including Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, Hindustani, Bengali, Nepali, Tibetan, and Mandarin, at various times and in different places. 

Albeit, it had a different meaning in every location. In northern India, the Taka coin was valued at two paisa, whereas in southern India, it was valued at one anna, or four paisa. 

In Bengal, Taka was only valued as one sliver of a rupee. However, in general, Taka was infrequently used as money in any area of India. Still, Bengal was unquestionably Taka's home.

The first section, which is split into two galleries at the museum, features coins from different periods of the subcontinent. Various coins from various nations may be seen in the second gallery. A diorama at the end of the first gallery displays coins from ancient times, silver coins typical in the Harikela state, and coins from the Gupta and post-Gupta periods.

The museum's collection charts the progression of Bangladeshi cash from prehistoric taka coins to contemporary banknotes and coins. Displays highlight how Bangladeshi money has evolved throughout time in terms of its appearance, composition, and security measures.

The museum provides instruction on counterfeit cash-detecting methods to assist visitors in recognising and steering clear of counterfeit banknotes. The security characteristics of genuine Bangladeshi currency are illustrated through interactive exhibitions. 

The museum's vast collection of currencies from many countries allows it to present a comparative picture of the many different forms of currency used globally. They provide a variety of educational workshops, seminars, and programs for the general public and students, encouraging financial literacy and knowledge of the background of money. The museum uses multimedia presentations and interactive exhibits to improve visitor experience and make learning about currencies interesting and educational.

However, most museums do not have guides to inform visitors about the artefacts. Each object bears witness to direct history, but the stories converge in the unknown. The essence of a museum lies in informing the visitors about history. Hence, authorities should be careful about this aspect.

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