2 years ago

Why 'Bogurar Doi' is the best of its kind

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Whenever we hear the name of the district Bogura, one of the first things that comes to mind is curd. Over the years, the curd from Bogura has become an indispensable part of our culinary and folkloric culture. 

With its outstanding taste being maintained over the years, it doesn’t seem like the curd will lose its position anytime soon.

The taste and the quality of curd from Bogura have invoked questions in the minds of many sweetmeat connoisseurs about its preparation procedure. 

One of the chief requirements of high-quality curd is unadulterated milk, and North Bengal, being a region famous for its overabundance of dairy products, produces milk of high quality.

To heat the milk, it is exposed to high temperatures in a big container. A frequent strategy is reducing the water content to increase the concentration. The heating procedure normally starts before midday and lasts one to two hours. 

The mixture is then transported to an adjacent room for cooling after being combined with sugar and the necessary ingredients. The temperature is kept at the normal ambient level in the cooling chamber.

After this, the curd makers put the milk in containers made of clay and added yeast to the milk to go on with the final procedure of preparing the curd. After this, the milk is kept in this state for some time to condense the curd. It is usually before sunrise that the whole procedure is completed. 

The curd then goes to various showrooms and shops in Bogura for sale. They are also transported to many different parts of the country and abroad.

The history of curd making in Bogura dates back to British rule in Bengal. Ghetu Ghosh from Sherpur, Bogura, is regarded as the first curd maker in the region. This craft later spread to the entirety of the district and then gradually towards the faraway corners of the country.

Bogura has plenty of shops selling curd, and even in the remotest of the villages, the curds are of quite high quality and extremely delicious, something not many heritage sweet products of Bangladesh can claim to maintain after such a long time.

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