a year ago

How university friendship looks like

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Welcome to the rollercoaster ride that is university friendship! Buckle your seatbelt and prepare for a crazy voyage full of rambunctious roommate scenarios, awkward orientation events, and late-night study sessions. Forget about doing it alone on this insane trip; it's all about finding your squad, companions who will go along for the ride.

Young minds unite throughout their time at university in quest of education, goals, and experiences. Friendships bloom among the challenges of study and a desire for self-improvement, creating a rich fabric of community on campus.

Cramming sessions for final exams may seem like a nightmare, but with the right people at your side, they may become lifelong memories. Let your friends serve as your study partners-those who keep you going even when the reading seems endless.

Roommates are an integral part of our university life; it won't be wrong if we say they are our second family and friends. Depending on how you view it, having a roommate may be a boon or a burden, but they always make for interesting tales. Your relationship will become immeasurably stronger as you partake in activities like pizza parties and marathons of your favourite shows on Netflix. Remember that when vampires and early birds coexist, compromise is the word of the game in the case of friendship.

In trying times, friends may be a lifeline. They help one another by discussing the pressures and stresses of exam time and offering support. Gather your team at the emergency department and get out of the situation stronger than ever.

The secret sauce for university friendships is late-night study sessions. The relationship they share extends well beyond the confines of the classroom. They help one another over the rough waters of academic pressure, sharing their triumphs and commiserating over their defeats. You learn and develop as a unit as you work together on everything from decoding difficult theories to coming up with ideas for the dreaded group assignment.

But let's be honest for a second. It's not all fun and games to stay up late to study. There may be times when you feel like giving up on studying altogether due to exhaustion and frustration. University buddies will be invaluable at this time. They're the ones that encourage you when you're feeling low, remind you of your strengths, and make learning fun again.

In every squad, every person has different attributes, which makes the bonds much more enjoyable and thrilling. These are the ones that add the most comical shades to our daily existence.

There is this 'forever study buddy' -- the classic study partner. This friend gets a little sleep and survives on coffee and energy drinks. It's incredible how they can make any subject interesting. They'll try to teach theorems at midnight via interpretative dance. Whether they are intelligent or just buzzed is something, you could wonder about.

Best parties will always be found by the party buddy, and they will make sure that everyone has a good time. And the 'philosophical guru' is that one pal who thinks about the big stuff even while everyone else is having fun. Their philosophical thoughts, whether they occur while waiting for the bus or over a plate of street food, never fail to entertain.

There is always a tech or gadget wizard in the circle. They are capable of whatever you could possibly need, from mending your laptop when it chooses to disappear on you just before a big deadline to upgrading your boring dorm room into a high-tech paradise.

The culinary artist friend knows everything about the best eateries in the town. And that flaky friend who is an expert in mysterious disappearances and unannounced cancellations at the last minute. Lastly, the most special one in the squad, the one who is unlucky in love and always in quest of true love but sadly fails to meet it. This is what a university friends group looks like.

University friendships are an emotional rollercoaster unlike any other. It's an exhilarating journey full of shared laughter, shared experiences, and difficulties overcome together. Hold tight and cherish each moment because these connections will last a lifetime.

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