2 months ago

Is skincare just for girls?

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"I am a man, please. I don't need any sort of skincare. These are just girlie things." Whilst it is a common myth that skincare is solely for women, it's a no-brainer that men also need skin care.

It's time to burst the myth. As a man, your skincare shouldn't be all about aftershave and some random soaps. Skincare isn't confined to some specific gender; instead, it is love and care.

For men, starting a skincare routine is never too late. Why should girls have all the fun time with self-pampering while you guys have some fun, too? In this article, you will get to know how to take care of your skin.  

Why do men's skincare is different from women's?

Did you know men's skincare is different from women's? And if you are thinking of using your partner's or sister's essentials, then stop!

Men generally have thicker skin than women, especially in the face and neck areas. This indicates that your skin is more complicated and requires penetration of the deeper skin layers.

Because men's skin is usually oily, they can get acne and clogged pores. And last, shaving—a crucial component of a man's routine causes cuts, razor burn, and whatnot. And blame the Testosterone hormone for not letting you use women's skincare products.

Signs of ageing

With your age, your skin will surely start to change. Just the part of ageing in your 30s, you will see changes in your face like wrinkles, fine lines, and saggy and dry skin. Your skin doesn't look rejuvenated and loses its firmness.

Loss of collagen and elastin in your skin causes these tiny creases, which are mostly known as wrinkles. Smaller and less noticeable fine lines are caused by dehydration and sun damage.

With time passing by, the skin stops producing more oils, leading to dry skin, which is all the signs of ageing. However, the changes may vary depending on genetics, lifestyle, and sun exposure.

How can I start my skincare?

Start by washing your face with a gentle facewash to remove dirt, sweat, and oil both before and after bed. This is the very first step to maintaining clear and healthy skin and moving forward with a good moisturizer.

This will help prevent your skin from getting dry and flaky. And after shaving, it's imperative to keep your skin hydrated cause it will soothe irritation and redness.

The next and most prominent step is to use a good sunscreen with at least SPF 30 cause what's the point of all these pamperings if your skin isn't protected from the sun?

The sun can damage your skin without even realizing it, leaving wrinkles, tan, and dark spots. Then, you can incorporate some serum with vitamin C or hyaluronic acid, which works magic for your skin by brightening your skin and reducing fine lines.

Once a week, treat your skin with extra pampering and exfoliating. Gently exfoliating will remove your dead skin, leaving your skin all toned up, smoother, and brighter.

But please don't go harsh on your skin. A nice facemask while scrolling your socials will give your skincare routine a boost with hydration and detoxification.

Vitamins like Niacinamide can help reduce redness and even out your skin, making it all smooth. Both Vitamin E and C are great for your skin, so try incorporating foods rich in these essential vitamins into your daily life. Vitamin C helps brighten up your skin and protect it from damage, whilst Vitamin E is in charge of repairing your skin, keeping it soft and smooth. 

Your lifestyle also plays a prominent role in skincare. Sleeping at midnight, still craving clear skin, is like building a castle in the air.

So, make sure you get enough beauty sleep in 7-8 hours. This is where your body repairs itself, and your skin repairs itself, preventing dark circles, so it's a win-win anyway.

What you eat also plays a prominent role in your skincare routine. Go for a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, omega-3, fish, and healthy fats, as this will give you a natural glow.

Even if it sounds funny when influencers say they drink loads of water to have flawless skin, they aren't quintessentially always wrong. Make sure you are hydrated, as this simple trick will make your skin plump and healthy.

For hydration, you can go for a humidifier, which will prevent your skin from drying out. Some of you out there sacrifice your eyesight to look good by leaving your glasses. But did you know squinting your eyes can cause wrinkles around your eyes? Try incorporating antioxidants like nuts and green tea or using skincare infused with these to help protect your skin from damage and rejuvenate it. 

You don't have to start all at once. Start with washing, moisturizing, and using sunscreen. Then, as time passes by, incorporate other steps gradually. And see the results by yourself. 

What's your favourite part of skincare? Share with the writer at [email protected]

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