a year ago

This man from Sylhet planted more than 30 thousand trees in ten years

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Global warming has turned out to be one of the problems facing our planet for some time now, with rampant deforestation being one of the principal driving forces behind global warming. 

With the increasingly urbanised nature of the world, plantations of trees are becoming rare with the passing of every generation; however, quite a few people have kept the tradition alive, and for some people, this is nothing short of a hobby.

Shah Sikandar Ahmad Shakir from Sylhet is one such person. He is a service holder by profession, but when it comes to his hobby, it's planting trees, and in the last ten years, he has planted more than thirty thousand trees, an astonishingly high figure, especially when the fact is taken into account that a single person is doing this. 

For him, any open space is a potential site, and whenever he finds open spaces, he makes the most of them by planting trees of many different types and species. He also plants trees in the dividers of the roads as well as beside the busiest of the highways.

The journey of Shakir with trees started in the year 2013. In his student life, he used to save money every day to buy and plant many different saplings of trees and plant them. He even used to traverse faraway places by walking to save even more money and use it later on for his hobby. 

His friends considered him a bit eccentric in these regards, but this could never stop him from pursuing his hobby.

Despite his busy schedule, he has never been negligent about the trees he planted or shied away from planting even more trees. Whenever he got free time, may it be any government or weekly holidays, he devoted himself to the plantation of as many trees as possible, as well as looking after the trees that he previously planted. 

In his life, he has planted trees of over 40 species, which encompass Radhachura, Shimul, and many more. Although in the pursuit of his noble hobby, he has faced quite a lot of hindrances as well.

Shakir's passion and dedication to the plantation of trees is a testament to the fact that nothing can work as an impediment when one wants to improve the climate of this world. 

If more and more people came forward like Shakir regarding the plantation of trees, the world would certainly have been a better place.

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