2 months ago

Your Purrfect friend 

Perks of being a cat parent

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"They are like my charger; after a dull day, when I see them waiting for me, I feel overjoyed," said Jarin Tasnim, owner of Loki and Chimi, her two pet cats. The bond between Jarin and her pets is unique, as we have with our friends and companions. She is a journalism student at the University of Dhaka who prefers to be called a mother of her pets.

After a hectic day, what would not want to be felt like Jarin? Someone to cheer us up, someone to cuddle. That is all we want, don't we?

Nowadays, cat adoption is rising dramatically. Above all the animals, why choose a cat?  Cats are well known for their friendly nature. But that's not all.

It has been scientifically proven that cats can influence one's mental and physical health. Research from the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI ) demonstrated the same. Having a cat can lower your risk of diseases.

Cleveland Heart Lab researched 4500 people and found that people who never spent time with cats have more than a 40% chance of facing heart attacks.

Cats can be more effective in reducing stress than medicine or anything else. A study from Cornell University stated that petting a cat lowers blood pressure and heart rate by releasing the relaxation hormone oxytocin from the body.

A cat can give you a favourable lipid profile and increase physical activity. It's often argued that pets cause allergies. But the fun fact is cats lower the chance of developing allergies, especially for children.

They wonderfully handle problems like asthma, eczema, and dust allergy.  It's noteworthy that cats are beneficial to children with autism and ADHD.  It won't be an exaggeration to say that having a cat keeps the doctor away.

Now, let us talk about how this feline friend gives emotional support. Sazid Bin Sahid is an undergrad student who has been going through tough times, and in that period, his pet comforted him and acted as a healer. Expressing gratitude to his cat Madonna, he said, "She helped me cope with my post-breakup situation. I was going through many things, but spending time with my cat deprived me of those."

A cat can sense loneliness; it becomes more affectionate when its owner is in a bad mood. This happened with Nandiny Ahasun, a mass communication and journalism student at Dhaka University, who expressed that she was feeling down during the pandemic. So, all of a sudden, she brought a kitten to pass the time. But soon, she realized this kitty was giving her hope.

"I don't know how I would pass those days without Ash (her cat)," she said.

Despite myriad benefits, owning a cat can give some reality checks. It's a matter of sorrow that Bangladesh still needs to be pet-friendly. Neighbourhoods can be a problem for cats. That is why one should not adopt a cat if his surroundings are not cat-proof.

Cats are sometimes accused of being moody, which can get on your nerves. A new cat parent should remember that a cat has the IQ of a two-year-old baby. So, they have to have patience. However, cats are great companions who will silently sit by your side or might avoid you, but they will bring peace to your life. These are the perks of being a cat parent.

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