a year ago

Why is my skin dry even after moisturising?

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Dry skin is a problem more common than we know. There are two ways to look at the problem of dry skin, or xerosis, as we call it, in medical terminology. Even oily skin can, at times, become dry under certain conditions, and there are situations in which perfectly normal skin can become flaky. The problem arises when this dryness does not respond to your regular moisturising techniques. So, keep reading to know the possible causes and how you can fix them.

Dry even after using moisturiser?

Dr Neha Dubey, Consultant Medical & Cosmetic Dermatologist, Medical Director at Meraki Skin Clinic, Gurugram, India, shared with this writer, “The surface of our skin has a constant supply of natural oil or sebum from the oil-producing glands underneath, to keep it well moisturised even if you forget your routine skin care at times. When you overwash, it rips off this natural moisture over time leading to excessive dryness”.

According to Dr Neha, harsh cleansers can irritate and eventually dry your skin. Some ingredients you should avoid if your skin is drying out are isopropyl alcohols, benzoyl alcohols, sulfates and fragrances. Opt for formulations with cetearyl alcohol instead.

The buildup of dead skin cells on the surface can sometimes feel dry. So lack of regular exfoliation is one of the major reasons behind xerosis.

Most of us do not even consider this, but your skin is the reflection of your overall health. If you suffer from any mentioned diseases, get them treated to enjoy healthy, supple and well-hydrated skin. Check whether you have any Thyroid disorder, Diabetes mellitus, Vitamin B12 deficiency, or Vitamin D3 deficiency,” Dr Neha added. 

When the dryness on your skin does not respond to any moisturiser or skincare routine, Dr Neha suggests consulting a dermatologist for eczematous skin conditions like Atopic dermatitis, Psoriasis, and Ichthyosis. These conditions require more than your regular moisturising cream to keep the skin barrier intact.

Medical formulations and oral medications like Retinoids, Benzoyl peroxide, Salicylic acid, Glycolic acid, Diuretics, Cholesterol-lowering drugs, and Radio and chemotherapy can also lead to dry skin. 

If your go-to moisturiser is not helping the dry dehydrated skin, there is a good chance that your skin needs something heavy-duty with Ceramides in it. Ceramides are lipid molecules that act like glue to hold skin cells together. Apart from this, Hyaluronic acid and urea in moisturisers can also help curb excessive xerosis,” Dr Neha said. 

She concluded by mentioning that Diets play a role here as well. People who go on crash diets that are nutritionally not well-balanced suffer from an unbalanced ecosystem within the skin, leading to either dryness or excessive oil production. In the case of the former, a healthy diet can fix most of the problem.

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