a year ago

151 illegal Bangladeshi migrants deported from Libya

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The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has said it repatriated 151 illegal Bangladeshi migrants from Libya.

"This week, IOM assisted 151 migrants to safely return home to Bangladesh through the VHR (Voluntary Humanitarian Return) programme in a charter flight from Benghazi to Dhaka," IOM said in a statement on Friday.

On Wednesday, Libyan Interior Minister Emad al-Tarabelsi repatriated 270 illegal migrants, confirming that more illegal migrants will be deported from Libya soon.

Due to the insecurity and chaos in the country since the fall of late leader Muammar Gaddafi's regime in 2011, many migrants, mostly Africans, chose to cross the Mediterranean Sea to European shores from Libya, reports Xinhua.

So far this year, a total of 10,646 illegal migrants have been rescued and returned to Libya, according to the IOM.

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