3 months ago

Int’l Day of the Girl Child

7th-grader becomes WB country director for BD, Bhutan for a day

WB Country Director Abdoulaye Seck posed with Khushi, the 7th grader who took over symbolic position of the WB Country Director for a day recently
WB Country Director Abdoulaye Seck posed with Khushi, the 7th grader who took over symbolic position of the WB Country Director for a day recently

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A seventh-grade female student took over as the country director of the World Bank for Bangladesh and Bhutan for a day, marking the International Day of the Girl Child.

Khushi is an active community youth leader, who is serving as the vice-president of her community youth group, according to a press release of Plan International Bangladesh received on Monday.

As a symbolic takeover, Khushi attended the staff meeting and discussed her role within her community. She was also informed about the activities of the World Bank. She laid emphasis on raising public awareness of girls' rights and equal educational opportunities for both boys and girls, expressed her willingness to bring about considerable changes and empower young girls and children to influence girls' participation in society.

The news release said the takeover is part of the global Girls Takeover campaign, a signature activity of Plan International to mark the International Day of the Girl Child observed on October 11.

This year, girls from different parts of the country have been participating in similar takeovers across different embassies, development organisations, corporate and business institutions, and various government offices for a day.

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