9 months ago

ACC reviews petition for probe into corruption allegations against Gen Aziz

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The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is deliberating on a petition filed by Supreme Court lawyer Salah Uddin Reagan, which demands an inquiry into alleged corruption by Bangladesh’s former army chief General Aziz Ahmed.

A decision on whether the case will proceed to investigation is expected in the next few days, reports

ACC Chairman Mohammad Moinuddin Abdullah told at his office on Thursday that the national antigraft agency has forwarded the complaint to the scrutiny committee for examination.

Abdullah added that a decision is expected within a day or two.

Advocate Reagan filed the petition on Wednesday.

He said that the US sanctions and reports in national dailies have tainted the image of the Bangladesh Army and the nation at home and abroad.

This has also adversely affected the Bangladesh Army's standing in UN peacekeeping missions and undermined public confidence in the military, he claimed in the notice.

Reagan told reporters that despite significant allegations published in the newspapers, the ACC has not initiated an investigation, which is alleged to be the ACC's inaction.

According to him, newspapers reports claimed that Gen Aziz had helped make e-passports with false information and influenced the creation of fake NIDs.

"We are not stating whether he engaged in corruption or not. We are saying that the matter should be investigated to uncover the truth."

If the ACC does not take action, he said that he will file a writ petition with the High Court.

Gen Aziz served as chief of army staff from June 2018 to June 2021. He also headed the Border Guard Bangladesh for four years from 2012.

The State Department imposed sanctions on the former army chief on Monday for his alleged involvement in corruption.

Aziz and members of his immediate family cannot enter the United States as a result of the ban imposed under Section 7031(c) of the Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of the US Department of State.

General Aziz dismissed as “untrue” the corruption and nepotism allegations made by the US the next day.

He said if any contracts or corrupt activities involving his brothers could be proven, he would accept the consequences for his actions, whether as the chief of the Border Security Force or the army chief.

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