7 months ago

After Tangail Saree, India also registers 'Muslin' as its GI

CPD urges legal procedure by Bangladeshi High Commission in India

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CPD, on Saturday, urged the Bangladeshi High Commission in India to file a case in the Indian court to get the GI of Tangail Saree.

The leading South Asian think tank also asked for a 'Multidisciplinary Taskforce' to deal with the matter of intellectual property of Bangladesh in the interest of local producers and the economy during the period of LDC graduation.

Following India's recent registration of Tangail Saree as its GI, CPD organised a press conference at its office titled "On Tangail Saree-GI India, What Happened and What Can be Done".

CPD honourable fellow, Dr Debapriya Bhattachrya, presented a paper which revealed that apart from the Tangail Saree, India has also completed the registration procedure for Bangladeshi GI- 'Dhakai Muslin' as 'Bengal Muslin'.

Dr Debapriya urged the government to file a case in the Indian Court through the Bangladeshi High Commission in Delhi and the Deputy High Commission in Kolkata to begin the legal procedure.

Economist Prof Mustafizur Rahman said that in the WTO, countries don't get what they deserve, but what they negotiate.

He put high emphasis on the legal procedure and negotiation by the industry and foreign ministry in this regard.


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