8 months ago

Ban imposed on use of Dr Yunus' image in advertisements

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A ban has been imposed on the use of Nobel laureate and chief advisor Dr Muhammad Yunus' photos in advertisements published in newspapers or any other media. The directive was issued in a statement from the Chief Advisor's office on Friday.

The notice stated, "The use of the honourable Chief Advisor's photo in advertisements or any other promotional materials in newspapers and other media is prohibited."

Following the fall of the previous government amid student protests, an interim government was sworn in on Thursday. Dr Muhammad Yunus, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, was appointed as the chief advisor to this interim government.  

Several national newspapers published advertisements congratulating the Chief Advisor, featuring his photo the very next day. This led to widespread discussion and criticism on social media starting Friday morning.

In response to this, the Chief Advisor's office has issued a statement clarifying that the use of Dr Yunus' photo in such advertisements or promotions is not permitted.

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