7 months ago

Bangladesh Chhatra League website hacked amid nationwide unrest

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Bangladesh Chhatra League’s official website ( has been hacked amid nationwide protests by students and job seekers calling for reforms to the quota system for government jobs.

On Thursday, the header of the BCL’s landing page read: “Hacked by THE R3SISTANC3,” followed by a circular logo beneath it.

Underneath the logo, it read: “Operation HuntDown, Stop Killing Students.”

A series of pictures of random people and dogs were also seen on the website instead of the usual updates posted by members of the pro-government student organisation.

The homepage also had a series of messages addressed to the law-enforcing agencies, political parties, citizens, hackers, and Islamic groups, calling upon them to act.

Clicking anywhere on the homepage automatically links to a Telegram channel titled ‘Operation Huntdown.’

The hacking happened in the wake of violent protests leading to the death of several students across the country.

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