a year ago

BNP starts march from Nayapaltan toward Moghbazar for Khaleda’s treatment abroad

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The leaders and activists of BNP and its associate bodies have started in the afternoon today (Saturday) a march from Nayapaltan to Moghbazar in the capital to press home their demand for the unconditional release of party chief Khaleda Zia and her advanced treatment abroad.

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir formally inaugurated the programme around 4:15pm.

In a brief address prior to launching the programme, he said their party chief is very sick and she is now at the crossroads of death and life.

He said Khaleda is now receiving treatment at a hospital with serious ailments as the government is not allowing her to go abroad for advanced treatment, violating her human rights Fakhrul said she has been convicted in “false” cases and remained confined for over the last five years only because of her fight for democracy.

The BNP leader warned that the government will have to bear the all responsibilities if anything bad happens to her in confinement.

He slammed the government for arresting BNP leaders and raiding their houses.

The BNP leader demanded the government to present six Chhatra Dal leaders before public by six hours who were picked up on Friday by the law enforcers.

From their march, Fakhrul said they want to send out a message to the government to release Khaleda and other arrested BNP leaders and activists and stop arresting the opposition leaders and activists.

Thousands of leaders and activists of BNP and its associate bodies joined the programme carrying banners, festoons and portraits of the party's top leaders.

They are chanting various slogans demanding the resignation of the government and the release of Khaleda without any condition to pave the way for her treatment at any advanced centre abroad.

BNP’s all other city and district units are also holding a similar programme.

On August 9, Khaleda was admitted to Evercare Hospital for health checkups and treatment as she fell sick and she has been receiving treatment under close observation of doctors in a cabin at the hospital since then.

Khaleda has been suffering from various ailments, including liver cirrhosis, arthritis, diabetes, kidney, lung, heart, and eye problems.

Meanwhile, BNP leaders and activists distributed leaflets across the country today (Thursday) to press home their demand for the unconditional release of Khaleda and her advanced treatment abroad.

The party will also stage marches at city and district levels on Saturday demanding Khaleda’s treatment abroad.

Khaleda was sent to Old Dhaka Central Jail she was convicted in the Zia Orphanage Trust graft case by a lower court on February 8, 2018.

On March 25, 2020, the BNP chief was released from jail upon an executive order on some conditions considering her age and humanitarian ground following an application by her family.

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