9 months ago

106 brick kilns run illegally in Magura

Hazardous for public health and ecology, firewood being used in an illegal brick kiln at a village of Magura district — FE Photo
Hazardous for public health and ecology, firewood being used in an illegal brick kiln at a village of Magura district — FE Photo

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MAGURA, May 29: A good number of brick kilns are being run illegally in the district, causing health hazards and posing a threat to the ecological balance.

Locals have alleged that influential persons are running brick kilns in violation of the brick kilns control rule. But, the government authorities are turning a blind eye to the illegal operation of the brick kilns.

A total of 110 brick kilns have remained in operation in the district, say sources at the District Brick Kilns Owners Association. Among 110 brick kilns, only four have licences and the remaining ones are being run without licence and clearance of environment directorate.

The mushroom growth of illegal brick kilns has raised grave concern among the conscious people.

In the violation of the brick control rule, these brick kilns are using firewood instead of coal.

Some 7.0 million to 8.5 million pieces of bricks are burnt in the district this year. So, 14.5 million (1.45 crore) maunds of wood are used in a year.

Moreover, installation of any brick kiln within one km of residential, commercial, restricted, municipality, city corporation, upazila Sadar area and crop land is prohibited as the brick kiln control rule.

But violating this rule, brick kilns are being run indiscriminately very close to human habitation and cropland. Brick kilns are using top soil of agricultural land causing emerge damage to agriculture.

When contacted, Dr Md Abdullah Al Saif, an assistant professor, has said the black smoke emitting from brick kilns is harmful to human body. The unplanned setting up of brick kilns is posing a threat to public health.

Shafiqur Rahman, executive director of the Palli Prokriti, an agriculture and environment-based NGO, said illegal brick kilns in the district is threatening agriculture, public health and environment.

"If we fail to check violation of the brick kiln control rule, our agricultural production will be hampered badly in near future. It will also pose a threat to our biodiversity."

When contacted, district brick kilns monitoring committee member and Sadar Upazila Nirbahi Officer Mizanur Rahman has said, "We have sealed off many brick kilns for using firewood."

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