5 years ago

Flood situation in Rajshahi division improves

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Overall flood situation in the Ganges basin improved further today (Sunday) as the water level is declining constantly in most of the rivers for the last couple of days due to dwindling of the onrush of water from the upstream hilly catchment areas.

The marooned people have started returning back to their normal life as flood water is receding continuously in different low-lying areas of Sirajgonj, Bogura, Natore, Naogaon, Rajshahi and Pabna districts.

Of the 30 river points monitored in the Ganges basin, water levels receded at 28 points, while increased at one point and remained steady at one point, according to data of Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (FFWC).

However, the rivers were flowing below the danger level at 28 points, while above the danger level at two points.

“We recorded falling trends in most rivers, including Modananda, Ganges, Padma and the downstream rivers and tributaries of the Ganges basin today,” Mukhlesur Rahman, superintending engineer of Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), told BSS this morning.

He said water level of the Ganges River further declined by nine centimeter (cm) each at Pankha in Chapainawabganj and at Hardinge Bridge points, six cm at Rajshahi and 11 cm at Talbaria point afresh at 9 am today.

Mukhlesur said the Ganges River was flowing 188 cm, 199 cm, 134 cm and 103 cm below the danger level at Pankha, Rajshahi, Hardinge Bridge and Talbaria points respectively.

Water level of the Padma River declined by 11 cm further at Goalundo point, and the river was flowing 25 cm below the danger level at the point this morning, he added.

Besides, a falling trend of water levels at the three points of the Jamuna River has been continuing for the last couple of days. The water level receded by 18 cm each at Sariakandi point in Bogura and Sirajgonj point and, 17 cm at Kazipur point in Sirajganj this morning.

FFWC executive engineer Arifuzzaman Bhuiyan said the Jamuna River was flowing 104 cm, 86 cm and 92 cm below the danger level at Sariakandi, Kazipur and Sirajganj points respectively.

Of the 16 river points both in Ganges and Brahmaputra Basins, being monitored in many districts under Rajshahi division regularly, water levels declined at all the points and the rivers were flowing below the danger level at all the 16 points this morning.

Engineer Bhuiyan said all the major rivers of the country are in falling trend and it may continue in next 48 hours and all the major rivers of the country are flowing below danger level.

Meanwhile, the local administrations have been distributing relief materials in the worst-affected areas continuously since the flood began, reports BSS.

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