2 years ago

Litchi starts appearing in Rajshahi markets

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With eight more days left until the Bangla month of Jyestha, commonly known as "Modhumash", the juicy fruit litchi has started appearing in the local markets, including Rajshahi city and its adjacent areas, on a limited scale.
But due to its low quantity, the present price is beyond the purchasing capacity of the commoners.
The summer season will bring many other juicy fruits like mango and jackfruit naturally to the region by the middle of this month and June abundantly, which will infuse dynamism into the local economy like in previous years.

Dr Shafiqul Islam, principal scientific officer of the Fruit Research Station, told BSS that only the local varieties of litchi have started appearing in the markets at present. But the Bombay variety is expected to come abundantly to the markets within the next couple of weeks.
He said many people are getting benefits from growing litchi, as China-3 (hybrid), Bombay, and Madrazi are the most popular varieties in the region. Litchi is grown well in Rajshahi and Dinajpur districts, but 'litchi of Ishwardi' is very delicious and famous across the country, Dr Islam added.
In addition to commercial farming, high-yielding China-3, Bombay and Madrazi varieties of litchis are also being cultivated on homestead lands.
He said commercial farming of some of the fruits, especially mango and litchi, is gradually increasing in the region.
Dr Shafiqul Islam, however, mentioned that satisfactory flowering was seen in many of the trees in the region, including Ishwardi, which is famous for litchi production, during the current season, which will have a positive impact on total production.
Seasonal traders set up makeshift shops at different points in the city, especially Shaheb Bazar, Bindurmore, Laxmipur Bazar, Sheroil Bus Terminal, Railway Station and Court Bazaar, with the eye-catching fruit.
In the advent of the season, every 100 litchi fruits are sold for Tk 300–450 based on quality and size.
Sellers said the price is high as the supply is scanty, but it will be reduced to some extent when the supply is enhanced within the next couple of days.
Trader Shamim Hossain in Shaheb Bazar said many farmers are harvesting immature litchi with the hope of getting more money.
Abdur Razzaque of Kapasia village said all of his 30 litchi trees on one bigha of land bloomed this year, and there were a large number of 'guti' (young litchi) on the branches.
Sharing his personal experience, he said a five-year-old tree can produce around 100 to 150 kilogrammes of litchi, which are equivalent to 2,000 to 6,000 pieces of fruits in number.

Most of the families at Bargachhi, Bagsara, Charghat and Bagha have become economically solvent by cultivating the fruit.
Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) Shamsul Wadud said many people became self-reliant by cultivating litchi in recent years.
He said there are hundreds of litchi orchards on more than 1,000 hectares of land, which produce huge yields. This production meets local demand as well as being consigned to other parts of the country every year, Wadud added.


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