7 years ago

Watermelon farming by mulching method brings success

MAGURA: Watermelon in the field protecting with mulching method — FE Photo
MAGURA: Watermelon in the field protecting with mulching method — FE Photo

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MAGURA, July 16: Outstanding success has been achieved in producing 12 month watermelon by using mulching method. Ferdoush Ahmed Dider of village Shibrampur under Magura Sadar upazila deserves the credit.

Dider informed, he knew about the mulching method through internet which is very popular in India and Israel. Knowing about the method through internet Dider consulted local Department of agriculture extension (DAE) officials. With their help Dider has become a successful mulching method user.

According to this method, first seed bed is prepared with mulching poly paper. Then seed is kept on the seed bed after making leakage in the paper. When seedlings came out the seedlings are placed on the platform. The advantage of mulching method is insect cannot attack easily the seeds and seedlings as they are covered by mulching paper. Moreover harmful ray of the Sun can not affect seeds or seedlings by entering through mulching paper. Washing away fertiliser by rain water is a common incident during rainy season. But mulching paper save the seed bed from fertiliser losing by rain water.

When contacted Dider said, mulching method saves use of fertiliser and insecticides by 50 per cent while increases production by 1.5 time. This year I cultivated water melon on 5 decimal land. Within 40 days my land is borne with more than one hundred water melon. Every melon is more than one kg.

The melons will be sale standard after a month. And then I shall cultivate water melon newly after harvesting as my mulching method is helpful to produce 12 month long water melon. Following me six farmers in my village have started to use mulching method.

When contacted Magura DAE officials Nikunja Kumar Mandal said, "We are proud of the success of Dider. Following Dider we are trying to spread mulching method throughout the district."

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