a year ago

DAP amended with increased floor area ratio

It'll drastically reduce the capital city's habitability, says an urban planner

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The Dhaka Detailed Area Plan (DAP 2022-35) has been finalised with seven-point amendments, including floor area ratio (FAR).

The Ministry of Housing & Public Works issued a gazette notification in this regard on Sunday.

The amended DAP will be applicable for a land area of Dhaka city that spreads over 1,528 square kilometres under the jurisdiction of the Rajdhani Unnayan Kartipakkha (RAJUK).

It allows developers to get more floor area - a higher and wider building on a piece of land - than that of previous DAP.

The FAR varies depending on the categories of areas. As per the changes, the owner of a five-katha plot beside a 12-feet road can construct an eight-storey building while it was limited to only five storeys.

However, an urban planner said the amendment will drastically reduce the habitability of the capital city.

"The amendment made within a year of issuing the latest DAP is an unwelcoming decision for the city dwellers," Executive Director of Institute for Planning and Development (IPD) Dr Adil Mohammed Khan told the FE.

He added that it is an indication that the DAP has been amended to meet the demand of vested quarters.

"What an unplanned urbanisation can result in, we have just witnessed two days ago with many parts of Dhaka city remaining under water even days after the rains," said Mr Khan.

He added that water-logging and severe traffic jams will take a toll on the people's living in an overcrowded city while buildings without adequate natural light and air would create pressure on public health.

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