8 months ago

Forbes ranks Dhaka as sixth most risky city for tourists

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Forbes Advisor has ranked Dhaka as the sixth most risky city for tourists in its 2024 list after an evaluation based on seven major risk factors.

The risk factors are crime, personal safety, health, infrastructure, natural disasters, and digital security. Bangladesh scored 89.50 out of 100. 60 global destinations were evaluated in the study.

The list of the top 10 most risky cities in the world for tourists also includes Caracas in Venezuela, Karachi in Pakistan, Yangon in Myanmar, Lagos in Nigeria, Manila Philippines, Bogotá in Colombia, Cairo in Egypt, Mexico City in Mexico and Quito in Ecuador.

The top 10 safest cities for tourists are Singapore, Tokyo, Toronto, Sydney, Zurich, Copenhagen, Seoul, Osaka, Melbourne and Amsterdam.

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