2 months ago

Gas supply to Brahmanbaria halted due to technical glitch

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A technical glitch at a gas distribution plant in Brahmanbaria has halted the supply of gas to the area via pipelines.

The gas supply from the Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited plant in the district town’s Bhatura area was interrupted around 1:00 am on Monday.

This was cut off the supply to users of the Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Limited, reports

Md Shah Alam, engineer and deputy managing director of the Brahmanbaria Office of the company, said, “A technical glitch occurred at the Titas Gas Transmission’s distribution plant in the night. As a result, the gas supply to Bakharbad’s users has been interrupted. Users in the Sadar Upazila and Sarail Upazila are not getting gas.”

Bakharbad’s main business is collecting gas from Titas and then supplying it at the consumer level. It has over 22,000 registered users. The demand for the gas is nearly 12 million cubic feet per day.

“The Titas Gas administration is working to fix the glitch. They have completed about half the work so far.”

“We hope the gas supply will return to normal by this afternoon.”

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