a year ago

Myanmar sends ‘warship’ to Naf River amid fighting with rebels along Bangladesh border

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Myanmar has apparently sent a ‘warship’ to the Naf River bordering Bangladesh, surprising the locals of Teknaf in Cox’s Bazar amid fighting between the military and rebels.

As sounds of sporadic explosions continued to Friday afternoon from Thursday night, it could not be determined beyond doubt if the vessel was a military or civilian ship, said Md Mohiuddin Ahmed, commander of Border Guard Bangladesh’s Teknaf 2 Battalion.

The explosions increased and at least 10 large blasts occurred between 3pm and 4pm after the ship left around 11am following its arrival in the morning, said Siddique Ahmed, a resident of Shah Pori’s Island.

In the past few months, at least three people were killed and several others were injured in Bangladesh by shelling, gunfire or grenade attacks from the Myanmar side of the border.

Hundreds of Myanmar fighters and civilians have also crossed the border to seek shelter.

BGB’s Mohiuddin said the border guards strengthened vigilance and were ready for any situation, such as an exodus.

Abdus Salam, a member of Sabrang Union Council, Md Enamul Haque, a member of Sadar Union Council, and Rashed Mahmud Ali, chairman of Hnila Union Council, said the sounds of gunfight and shelling increased in the afternoon after a relative lull on Thursday.

Abdul Maleque, a resident of St Martin’s Island, said the explosions were so huge that they even rocked the island in the Bay of Bengal.

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