4 years ago

AL’s Quader says BNP trying usurpation  

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Ruling Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader on Thursday alleged that the opposition BNP is searching for backdoor to grasp state power leaning on others after failing in movement.

“The BNP [Bangladesh Nationalist Party] has become a failed political party. After failing in movement, the BNP is now looking for clandestine means to go to power,” he told an extended meeting of Lakshmipur district unit of AL, reports BSS.

Quader, also Road Transport and Bridges Minister, joined the meeting through videoconferencing from his official residence on parliament premises in Dhaka.

He said any evil efforts to destroy communal tolerance will be dealt with an iron hand.

Quader gave a note of warning to those who, he said, are hatching conspiracy over Bangabandhu’s sculpture. He added that there is no scope to compromise on a settled issue.

The minister maintained that the government will not obstruct any peaceful movement or rally but if any group or party wants to create chaos in the name of movement, they will be given a befitting reply.

The AL general secretary also urged the party men to refrain from any kind of money-making activities over nomination. “None has been given post and position in the party to misuse power,” he said.

Quader called upon the leaders and workers of the party to remain alert so that any negative incidents cannot tarnish the image of the government or taint the government’s achievements and progress.

“Everyone will have to maintain party discipline. Developments and progress will have no benefit unless discipline is maintained inside the party,” he said, urging the party men not to make misbehaviors with people and refrain from tarnishing the government’s image.

He said the party’s rebel candidates who won or lost the local government polls will not be given nominations in future.

About road infrastructural development in Lakshmipur, the minister said Begumganj to Lakshmipur road will be upgraded to four-lane highway soon.

AL Joint General Secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif, Organising Secretary Ahmed Hossain, Agriculture and Cooperatives Secretary Faridun Nahar Laily, former minister Shahjahan Kamal, member of parliament Anwar Hossain Khan and district AL general secretary Nur Uddin ChowdhuryNayan attended the extended meeting, among others.

Lakshmipur district AL President Golam Faruque Pinku presided over the meeting.


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