6 years ago

Attack on BD HC in London: Pro-BNP leader gets punishment

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A court in London of the United Kingdom has fined a leader of BNP's associate body £1,020  in a case filed over vandalism at Bangladesh High Commission in London.

The accused, Nasir Ahmed Shahin, is the president of the UK branch of the Jatiyatabadi Swechchhasebak Dal.

The Prime Minister’s Office in Dhaka gave the information in a statement on Sunday, reports bdnews24.com.

BNP supporters vandalised the Bangladesh High Commission in London on February 7 after Khaleda Zia was sentenced to jail for graft.

The portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at the venue was also vandalised. London police had arrested Shahin from the scene.

A case was filed against him over the destruction of state property during an attack on an embassy.

The High Commission handed over video evidence to London police on the attack. A London court began the trial on October 16.

Shahin had pleaded not guilty, but was convicted and fined by the London Magistrates’ Court, according to the statement.

The verdict in the case against UK BNP President MA Malik at the Hendon Magistrates’ Court is due on November 8.

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