4 years ago

Communal forces won’t get scope to strengthen footings: Obaidul Quader

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Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader on Tuesday said the communal forces will not be given any scope to strengthen footings in the country that attained independence through the nine-month bloodstained Liberation War in 1971.

“Defamation of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s sculpture is an assault on the hearts of millions of Bangalees who believe in the Liberation War spirit,” the road transport and bridges minister said at a press conference at the secretariat, reports BSS.

Obaidul Quader said the vandalism of Bangabandhu’s sculpture is a challenge of the radicals to the country’s Liberation War and its achievements.

Those who are patronising and funding from behind the scene to carry out the incidents will be found out, he added.

Quader said many conspiracies were hatched against Bangabandhu and his family and the Liberation War in the past and conspiracies are still going on now.

He said those who are making their evil attempts from nowhere to create instability in the country centering the Bangabandhu sculptures will be resisted with an iron hand.

An investigation is going on to look into whether there is any local or international political conspiracy behind the sculpture issue, he said.

Mentioning that the unity of the pro-liberation forces is very firm here, the minister said they along with the people will make united resistance against all evil efforts.

Quader said extreme communal forces are using religion in their evil acts against the spirit of the Liberation War.

By giving support to the evil activities, BNP has cleared its stance and the party has already proved that they are the patrons of anti-liberation forces, he added.

About the construction of Bangabandhu’s sculptures at different places necessarily or unnecessarily, he said some sculptures have lack of similarity with Bangabandhu’s picture and in some cases, the designs have some flaws.

He urged everyone to refrain from constructing Bangabandhu’s sculpture without taking permission from the Bangabandhu Trust.

Asked about BNP secretary general’s remarks that the government has turned the election commission into an organisation of the party, Quader said such comments are baseless and purpose-oriented.

 “The people have boycotted BNP both in movements and elections. That is why BNP is shifting its failures to the election commission,” he said.

Quader said BNP’s evil attempts are clear to the people that the party does not go to the polling centers on the voting day as per their orchestrated plan to make the election system and Election Commission questionable.

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