6 years ago

Miscreants torch AL election campaign office in Satkhira

The arson took place on Monday night. UNB photo
The arson took place on Monday night. UNB photo

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Some unidentified miscreants on Monday night vandalised and torched an election campaign office of Awami League (AL) in Satkhira’s Patkelghata upazila.

The perpetrators hurled crude bombs first, then vandalised and set fire to the office of AL candidate for Satkhira-1 constituency at around 11:30pm, said Pranab Gosh, deputy publication secretary of Satkhira district Awami League.

However, none was hurt as the incident took place when the AL leaders and activists left the office after electioneering, UNB reported.

Being information, police visited the spot, said Rezaul Islam, officer-in-charge of Patkelghata Police station.

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