6 months ago

TIB reveals massive illegal money transactions in bus service sector, totalling Tk 10b

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Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) has identified illegal transactions totalling over Tk 10 billion within the bus services sector.

These transactions include tolls, illegal parking, and irregular entry and exit from terminals, occurring over the span of a year.

According to a study conducted by TIB, some 90 per cent of these illegal transactions took place during the process of legalising driving licences, fitness certifications, and route permits through the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA).

TIB's research teams revealed these findings during a press conference at the TIB office on Tuesday, with TIB Executive Director Iftekharuzzaman moderating the discussion.

Iftekharuzzaman highlighted that the bus sector, notorious for its disorderliness, lacks any coherent system. A staggering 92 per cent of bus owners are affiliated with political parties, with 80 per cent of them associated with the ruling Awami League.

TIB unveiled the research report titled 'Integrity in the Business of Private Bus Owners,' based on surveys conducted on 701 bus workers, 168 bus company owners or their representatives, and 696 passengers across 51 bus terminals between September 11 and October 22.

However, Iftekharuzzaman cautioned that the findings represent a conservative estimate, as the actual amount of bribery or ransom could not be precisely ascertained due to lack of cooperation.

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