10 months ago

UNIDO adopts Bangladesh-initiated resolution unanimously

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The Bangladesh-initiated resolution on 'strengthening Member State's capacities in developing productive, resilient and sustainable supply chains' was adopted at the 20th General Conference of UNIDO in Vienna on Saturday.

Heads of government, ministers and high-level delegations from 172 member states of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) are participating in this week-long conference, reports BSS citing a press release.

The global supply chain experienced a massive disruption due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war which affected producers, industries, and consumers across the world.

This resolution would allow UNIDO to help countries and economies promote supply chain resilience and thus prepare them for any such future situation.

The resolution will also foster the necessary dialogue among relevant stakeholders and deliver concrete actions to ensure the sustainability, resilience, and productivity of global and regional supply chains, with a specific emphasis on supporting producer countries and suppliers.

This resolution will enable UNIDO in capacity building to ensure their fair participation in the supply chain, by equitable profit sharing among all the stakeholders which will contribute to securing fair price, skill and knowledge transfer, access to market and technology, and productivity to the participating firms from the developing countries.

The resolution on supply chain tabled by Bangladesh is the only resolution adopted by the General Conference this time.

There were two other resolutions, a resolution on gender equality submitted by Mexico and Norway and another one on environmental sustainability and circular economy submitted by Armenia, which could not be adopted due to the acute differences in positions/views among the member states, said the release.

Bangladesh delegation, with its unwavering efforts over the last four weeks, succeeded in bringing all the member states on board in adopting the resolution unanimously.

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