3 years ago

Denmark to help Bangladesh process agro products

Agriculture Minister Dr Muhammad Abdur Razzaque
Agriculture Minister Dr Muhammad Abdur Razzaque

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Denmark shows interest in investing in Bangladesh to help the latter process its agricultural products.

The Scandinavian nation will also assist Bangladesh in improving the quality of its farm produce, in a bid to ensure safe food for all.

These were revealed at a meeting, between Agriculture Minister Dr Muhammad Abdur Razzaque and Danish Ambassador to Dhaka Winnie Estrup Petersen, organised by the agriculture ministry at its office in the city on Tuesday.

The two countries discussed issues related to mutual cooperation in agriculture, dairy, safe food, reduction of food waste, development of food value chain and modern lab, said a press statement.

Both the parties also agreed to set up a working group to identify areas for cooperation in the agricultural sector.

Dr Razzaque said despite achieving an outstanding success in crop production, Bangladesh still lagged behind in export and processing of the agro products.

The country has a great potential in processing of mango, pineapple, banana, tomato, potato and vegetables, thereby boosting exports by a large margin, said the minister.

Danish investment and advanced technical assistance could greatly help Bangladesh become a modern food producer and processor, he observed.

Dr Razzaque also sought Danish cooperation in producing food in compliance with the GAP, constructing a modern packing house, and setting up a state-of-the-art testing lab at Purbachal.

In response, Danish Ambassador Winnie Estrup Petersen assured the Bangladeshi minister of cooperation in the field of agriculture.

She said Denmark would assist in quality development of agricultural products as well as in agribusiness.

Initiatives will be taken for investment and to send trade missions with improvement of the Covid situation, the envoy added.

Agriculture ministry Secretary Md Sayedul Islam, Additional Secretary Md Ruhul Amin Talukder and Deputy Secretary SM Imrul Hasan, and Commercial Counsellor of Denmark embassy Ali Mustaq Butt, among others, were also present during the meeting.

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