2 years ago

A starter guide to becoming an officer at Bangladesh Navy

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Joining the defence forces is a passion for many. Among them, those who love the adventures in deep-sea look to join the Navy. It provides an opportunity for experiences an ordinary person would never get. 

Along with that, the Navy offers to be a 3-dimensional force. They guard our country in the sea, under the water and also in the air. 

So what does it take to join the Navy? The process of all the forces is similar in principles. They take a preliminary physical test and viva upon qualifying, and lastly, ISSB. 

But the subject matter differs from force to force. In the case of the Navy, a candidate must go through a preliminary medical test. In the medical test, the candidate has little to do as it is a check of whether his/her body is externally and internally well for getting military training. 

The minimum height for male candidates should be 5’ 4” and for female candidates should be 5’ 2”. Other than that eyesight is an issue. +2.5 to -2.5 eyesight is accepted for the navy. 

While these are natural, the suggestion that can be provided to the candidates is to maintain the weight according to BMI count. There are other striking points that might go on to declare the candidate to be unfit like knock-knee, flat foot, self-harm, colour blindness, etc.

A candidate passing the primary medical test goes on to face the preliminary viva test on the same day. The viva is normal in nature. The objective of the viva is to find out whether the candidate has the basic communication skills required. 

Candidates who are good at English will get the upper hand here. But those who are a bit weak in English must not be puzzled. They should go on to try the best of their ability and show their confidence, persistence and common sense. 

In our country, the army is the biggest force in every aspect and is more popular among mass people as a military force. However, people know little about the Navy and Air Force. So a candidate must be ready to come across the question that why s/he wants to join the Navy instead of the Army. 

Well in all reality, the Navy offers a bit more flexibility in the requirements for applying and so there are many candidates not being able to apply for the army, but willing to serve in the defence forces opt for the Navy. 

Well, one should not enter a viva and give an answer like that. A more viable answer would be Navy is a 3-dimensional force with many adventures and new challenges every day. 

A candidate being recommended in the preliminary viva would go on to face the written examination generally 1 or 2 days later. The subject matter of the written exam is English, IQ and general knowledge. 

No mathematics in the written exam offers equal opportunity for candidates from all educational backgrounds. A candidate having the basic skills in English, up-to-date knowledge about the world and national affairs and a fair IQ would not face many difficulties in clearing the written examination. 

Candidates passing the written exams go on to face ISSB. The ISSB is a vast topic that deserves a separate discussion of its own. A candidate being recommended by the ISSB then gets the opportunity to join the Bangladesh Naval Academy for 3 years of training and pass out as an officer.

A thrilling adventure of a life in the deepest of oceans along with the opportunity to explore the whole world awaits those aspiring young men and women wanting to join Bangladesh Navy. 

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